Monday, September 29, 2008

Tony Blair and Bush smelling of bull shit (again)

The news today

with heartfelt response from Intuitive blogger...
September 29, 2008

The former Prime Minister Tony Blair said:
“What has happened has left everybody surprised, shocked, bewildered. Not even the experts were able to predict the full scale of this. In these circumstances there is no guide book, no rules on what to do.”
Intuitive Blogger:
Bull shit Tony, absolute bull shit
(and the same for those weapons of mass destruction).
I am not an economist, but I have been concerned about a potential world credit (and peak oil) melt down for over a year now and there are many blogs talking about this on the web. What kind of world are you living in?

Intuitive Blogger (Sept: 2007)

"I think we're on the brink of an economic breakdown --a depression as close to the 1930's. I am not an economist but I have read enough on the web to judge this is happening and am writing this down before it happens.

And the White House (back in July 27 2007) was bullshitting all along -- also: logo

White House says to traders - don't panic
The White House tonight made a concerted attempt to inject fresh confidence into the world's battered stock markets as share prices suffered a fresh day of falls on fears that a looming credit crunch will end an era of cheap funding for corporate takeovers.

With Wall Street down 100 points in early trading following Thursday's 311-point plunge, president Bush and his Treasury secretary, Hank Paulson, downplayed fears of contagion from the crisis-ridden American real estate market and claimed that the US economy was strong.

Intuitive Blogger:
And now you are proposing I (as a US tax payer) have to bail out this mess with at least this amount of money?
$2324.50 to be more precise.

(For our information, it would be a lot more as not everyone in the US is a tax payer)

Tax calulations, (thanks
$700,000,000,000 divided by United States
Population: 301,139,947 (July 2007 est.)

EQUALS $2324.50 (collected for every
man woman and child).

Intuitive Blogger:
My big fat:
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