Intuitive Blogger: I have some great friends in California who I play music with in the bar each week. For some reason they are against what has been achieved these past four years. My friends have had no health insurance from the past and do not have plans to change this until they need to. They continue to live paycheck to paycheck and on freelance budgets, without a steady income. They eat fast food and continue to pay rent to landlords who don't bother fixing their houses properly. They have no savings for their futures but they keep slamming the government. They have everything to lose. I just don't understand it at all. At some point, this 'moving forward' will actually help them.
I just hope they see what I see below.
If you read my entire blog which started back in very worrying times of 2007, you will see why I am
terrified of the country rolling back 50 to a hundred years with Romney,
we cannot rest now.
These are critical times we re living in and this is the last chance we
have of hope!!!
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