Obama's congressional speech earns rave reviews:
The president's already high approval ratings jump as millions tune in to watch address before Congress:
Obama's congressional speech earns rave reviews:
The president's already high approval ratings jump as millions tune in to watch address before Congress:
Use plastic bags: http://greenazine.blogspot.com/2008_09_01_archive.htmlPrecycling is trying to reduce waste by "pre-thinking" our purchases. While recycling is, of course, a positive thing, it still requires energy to transport the materials, melt them down and then re-manufacture items. Precycling tries to avoid the amount of stuff that gets chucked into landfills AND the recycling bin to begin with. Here are some tips:
And of course, reduce and reuse as much as you can, first!
- Buy in bulk, avoid individually wrapped items.
- Buy items that come in recyclable packaging instead of non-recyclable.
- Avoid junk mail. (You can subscribe on line to many places to have it stopped)
- Use a computer instead of reading "real" magazines and newspapers.
- Bring your own utensils with you instead of using plastic ones.
- Use cloth handkerchiefs and napkins.